>>94393875>>94395443>>94404924Hey thanks for checking it out and the nice words. The low word count definitely kneecapped it a little bit, but I both wanted to both participate in the contest this time around, as well as see if I could manage to cut it down and still tell the same story at its core. I'm really glad the concept was fun to read through, since as soon as I started the second scene I was pretty into it.
I did keep the original version since it's basically its own story as well, and I'm also going to give it some touch ups I came up with while making the shortened version. Cutting scenes almost abruptly was a big obstacle for me with this, as well as deciding what scenes I can really cut and still have the same end point.
Originally there's a heist scene for Lamy's gift, and then I made a version that was about 1/3 of the length, but I still couldn't keep that in either. Justice also plays an actual role in the story. Advent as your possy and support group is a dynamic I really enjoy, so I'll gladly release it at some point. Maybe after the contest voting happens, since it might feel like a cheat somehow if a fic is in there and there is a longer version of it released as well.