Quoted By:
Regis Altare:
> Axel - Watch a Shiny Spicy stream, for the love of fuck, classic hot and cold dynamic, will do funny shit with him but will also tug the leash before it goes too far 40% of the time
> Bettel - Their banter is fantastic and the jester's insistence on reinforcing whatever perceived rivalry there is makes it better
> Flayon - Likes him enough to offcollab with him, which says something all things considered
> Hakka - At first, flabbergasted at what came out of his mouth, but came to accept it while only verbally voicing his disapproval once in a while, grateful that he's here and excited to watch him grow even more
> Shinri - Chill as fuck, respects and appreciates him, occasionally silly with him, they mostly just vibe quietly together
> Jurard - Will bring him to heel with sheer skill, probably won't collab with him that much since it's still new, but given what we know now he may come around sooner than later
> Octavio - I shudder to think what those two could do if put in the same space and well acquainted., it would be very strange, but not necessarily unwelcome
> Goldbullet - Let's be real, Gibby could win him over with food and decent FPS skills, but the man will not touch him for some godforsaken reason and he's the same way so I don't know what the fuck to think
> Ruze - Probably respects him and will go along with the bit, but I can't say much more about that until I get more interactions
Axel Syrios:
> Altare - See aforementioned, except he's the dog on the leash
> Bettel - Dingoose, two toxic League bros in a pod, will mutually jump on Altare given the chance, can't put the rest of it into words but I like it
> Flayon - Has likely called him a freaky little shit to his face, appreciates some of his takes on the ideal woman when he's not unhinged about it, likes to tease (but that may be the case with all of them, honestly)
> Hakka - Thick as thieves, VOD killing duo, unmatched energy and dynamic of enthusiasm and passion, 10/10 and no complaints here
> Shinri - Will absolutely poke at him and also joke around with him, but also respects him (like everyone else)
> Jurard - They haven't really interacted yet, but his initial interest in him in debut gives me hope that we'll see it in the future
> Octavio - Will call him a freaky little shit to his face at some point, maybe they'll collab on a song or something, jury's still out on this one
> Goldbullet - Apparently they can't drink together anymore, so that says enough
> Ruze - PLEASE COLLAB FOR THE LOVE OF FUCK PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, him saying that Ruze was the same offline as online is fuel and I will not elaborate
Gavis Bettel:
> Altare - The offcollabs did much to cement some of their dynamic, but I have yet to see them at their most unhinged one-on-one also that one Mario Party stream
> Axel - See Axel's and read: Dingoose; it's toxic-on-toxic behavior and it works
> Flayon - Mmm... yeah. Not touching this one with a thirty-nine-and-a-half foot pole The clips were enough and I could hardly take those
> Hakka - They get along well enough, but he is a piss-poor leash yanker and the divorce changed him
> Shinri - "Ah yes, a fellow older millennial that I can somewhat relate to and allow to one-guy me into buying an air fryer." (plus the fact that they bring each other up more than you think when you start to look)
> Jurard - He's just trying not to get tinnitus like the rest of us but could probably shut him up with words if he bothered to cook a bit
> Octavio - Good luck with that, anons.
> Goldbullet - Would drink with him, would be a bad idea, why is it just drinking with this guy, maybe they should collab or something
> Ruze - The impromptu collabs have done something to him and I pray that the deranged 'human' rubs off of him in the good way I know it can