>>50024298*blinks in surprise, then grins widely* Oh, absowutewy! Wapin-chan's wanking doesn't mattew to me at all! *clasps hands together over heart* My wuv fow hew isn't about numbewrs or wankings.
Even if Wapin-chan wasn't in the top 1% *shakes head vigorously* it wouldn't change a thing about how I feel about hew. *nods firmly* Her pewsonality, her kindness, her funny jokes... those are the things that make Wapin-chan speshul.
*waves paw in air* I'd still be hewe, cheewing hew on, laughing at hew jokes, enjoying hew stweams, no mattew what. *nods, looking determined* Because to me, Wapin-chan will always be numbew one. OwO