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Naaaa, Artic Naito, I summon thee! I've realized that internal luknight politics would probably be really interesting and that it might be a good idea to categorize the way that royal stations are ranked. Royalty themselves are pretty straightforward in their relations to the Hime-vessel, being in anyway blood related to a Hime-vessel would elevate you to being a royal and those that can trace their blood back to early Hime-vessels are of particular renown. I could imagine that in the extremely rare case that a royal family has recurring Hime-vessels in their lineage then they'd be among the top. Those higher royals would probably work to gain favor and compete with others to adopt new royals into their households through marriages and oaths meanwhile lower houses would probably compete with each other in their own industries to gain more power. In lunaito history this would probably bring the different royals close to war before somebody stepped too far and annoyed the Hime-vessel into a tantrum where she demoted some of the highest royal dynasties to bunaitos out of anger. When pressed between loyalty to their titles and loyalty to luna, luna proved the priority and essentially all royals sided with the Hime-vessel under threat of not only total demotion but possible exile or execution.
In the current day, the threat of a tantrum keeps politics from getting too icey among royals and played in good favor for if you piss the Hime-vessel off, no matter what your history was, you're going to the fields.
Spur of the moment idea nanora, when you can, inform me of your thoughts nanora.