>>36161755>>36162070Country provinces selection guidelines.
Factors to consider:
- Position
- Climate
- Surface Area
The location of your country has many implications. Geopolitically, it informs what neighbouring countries it will be most straightforward to interact with. Geologically, it informs what sorts of natural resources you will have access to, and what kind of topography your country will have.
Please review:
https://vtwbg.github.io/ with colors and labels enabled
The climate of your country will influence the kinds of weather systems you can expect, precipitation, temperature, as well the flora and fauna that can live here. Preferably, supernatural changes to the country's climate should be clearly explained by an in-universe reason and be used to add an interesting bit of flavor to the country's worldbuilding, instead of simply swapping the climate to a preferred one.
Please review:
https://vtwbg.github.io/ with climate enabled
Surface Area:
The world is divided into provinces from which a would-be country can choose its territory. The guideline for province selection is as follows:
For land, an area of 2 to 3 equatorial provinces will usually be adequate, assuming productive land. This will be between 250 and 750 square kilometers in most cases. Here are the land areas of some IRL countries for reference:
Ukraine: 603 628 sq km
France: 551 695 sq km
Germany: 357 386 sq km
Japan: 377 975 sq km
If the climate or topography is mostly less inhospitable (IE it's like Kazakhstan, Canada, Russia, or Tibet), it would be acceptable for a larger country to be assigned, up to 2 million sq km.
While selecting provinces, keep in mind the effect of polar distortion; provinces closer to the poles are much smaller than equatorial ones. Check the approximate area of your country with the area tool on
https://vtwbg.github.io/What do you think?