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Since discussion of Silver's actual streams is rare, I decided to give her a watch for the first time when she did Minecraft a few days ago and write down my notes and thoughts. Regrettably, I flew too close to the sun replying to bait and wasn't able to post this when the Minecraft stream was actually happening, but decided to post what I wrote regardless, and so begins my epic tale of listening to a woman with a high-pitched voice talk until I get filtered by the fat man. I was also on a trip for three days, so if anything happened that goes against my notes, let me know.
>Decided to have the stream going in the background while playing Minecraft, didn't actually know it was a Minecraft stream until I was opening it, which is a fun little coincidence.
>Stream hasn't started yet, been eating ice cream and playing Minecraft for 17 minutes. So far so good.
>Been an hour, ate all my ice cream before the stream started, still a no-show
>Finally live! Here we go
>I can understand why people say they get filtered by her voice, she sounds kinda like she has a cold, but very high-pitched, kind of childish.
>Lots of "I missed you!"s, Verrry cheery, kinda dorky, seems like a sweet girl, but it could just be the stage persona
>A lot of "I love you!"s, but not really feeling the GFE people keep talking about. Of course, I'm not really watching, so she could be doing something with the model that I'm not seeing.
>Can't tell if chat are just simps or she has a really tight-knit community
>Found a village while listening to the stream, so that's a good sign. Also there's a Shadow the hedgehog toggle lol
>Seems like she's having fun, but I'm not sure how genuine it is, with the voice and all.
>Tanned Silver is a real possibility
>Weirdly enough, I encountered and tamed several wolves outside the village. It's a coincidence, I'm sure, but a pretty funny one considering who I'm listening to.
>Laugh is cute
>Found and tamed a total of five wolves while tuned in, which is pretty funny. She's still talking about the recolor, apparently there's a chibi mode?
>I'm still not getting GFE vibes from her so far, more of a hyper-extroverted, cute, unironically autistic dork. Still, her twitter and patreon are absolutely GFE, so maybe it's an off-and-on thing.
>Fuck yeah Viva Piñata
>Silver never goes outside confirmed
>Weirdly enough, I'm actually enjoying this, didn't think I would from what I heard about her
Actual Minecraft part starting
>Stepping away to use the bathroom for a second, might miss something.
>Took me longer than I expected, missed like 20-30 minutes, she was listening to music and she's actually playing now
Didn't know this was modded, cool
>Listening to her cuss like a sailor in the voice will never stop being funny
>Silver made dolls have sex to toxic by Britney Spears as a kid
>Again, I'm pleasantly surprised by this, can understand why some people think she's boring though, she just does a little commentary and that's it.
>I was expecting this to be a lot more lewd and vulgar from the patreon and discussion about her in the general, but she's actually been more wholesome(?) than anything else from what I've seen.
>Nothing really interesting happening, kind of cozy though.
>Silver has no hoes
>She does have a cat though, raised her from a feral kitten
>Outside of the stream, I got lost and I'm trying to bring my surviving wolves home.
>She likes cottagecore/weeb blend.
>The mushroom's basically a penis.
>The inability to put silk touch on shears has triggered an existential crisis
>The little sneeze was very cute
>She's been putting a lot of effort into building and decorating, seems to be very enthusiastic about it.
>More decorating and gardening
>I've said this like three times now, but, from what I've seen in the stream, aside from the penis mushroom jokes, there hasn't really been a lot of lewd/sexual stuff, or gfe for that matter. Getting more "Super friendly autist" vibes. I can understand why people want her to get a boyfriend, if she's mentioned she wants one, it could be really cute even, but she hasn't complained about not being able to get laid or being lonely at all, even though people say she does often. Then again, she also hasn't cried or been menhera, and people in the general say those things happen a lot on stream too, so maybe I just haven't gotten the full "Silvervale experience" (tm) yet. It is my first stream after all, maybe GFE and crying just come and go.
>I'm ashamed to admit I heavily relate to the whole "buying things that look interesting on a whim" thing.
>Yadda yadda, roses, thorns, you know the deal.
>I hope I don't have to consistently stay up to degen hours to catch future streams, because I'm liking this one.
>Silver cannot be trusted with TNT