I need to embarrassingly admit defeat and ask for help after failing with the OP guides.
I need to completely reroll a hand I guess. 6 fingers, none of them a thumb, in a difficult position where its also holding up a skirt. Is this at all salvageable?
I tried to inpaint in two steps - first I tried to mask just the extra finger and do "fill", that sorta shittily removed one. Then I masked the entire new hand and did "original" to try to reroll it to a version where the thumb somewhat works, but basically all of my results were far from much of am improvement. cfg 7, tried moving denoising between 0.4-0.7
Can I get a retard proof guide on what steps you would take to fix this hand?
full pic:
https://files.catbox.moe/o8gz7t.pngmy settings: