Meno: "Why do these fat obese onii chans treat me like a child when i am the CEO! I am glad i am done with those sick onii chans!"
Luto:"These pigs cant support shit, i got to make money here! Luto sama, shit i am your fucking master give me your money!"
Iku:"Ikumin are so cringe and i hate them, i am only here because of Aoi, i need to protect her from these groomers!"
Yura:"I am only in Prism for contractual obligation, all my fans are already wrapped around my finger milking themselves dry to my cosplay, i could care less about Yuragumi trash"
Nia:"Cringe Cartel is so fucking cringe, they think i am being tsun but i just hate them!"
Sara:"These losers are nothing compared to the hot college guys that i pull on the daily, saramours should be glad they even get to speak to me"
Emma:"I love my oumiknights but they are so fucking CRINGGEEE. I have to burp all the time even though i am sick of it!"
Naki:"Why do kamiriders always try to piss me off, its not fucking cute, your not fucking funny, stop it and just love me! i want love i need love!"
Nana:"Why dont you guys watch my streams?"
Kou:"I am actually very girly, only my voice is tomboyish, i want to be treated like a woman too can you stop putting me on the tomboy pedestal?"
Non:"You normies cant appreciate a good mold, you are the weird ones for not appreciating my mold!"
Ami:"I love my frogchamps but i hate that they dont love me more, i am frogging perfect idol! Get worshipping and get frog posting!"
Rita:"My Rkangels abandoned me after i tried going full time streaming and collaborated with males but i forgive them, everyone has their own issues they are dealing with and i just want to be there for them when they finally come back"
Pina:"I love my fans a lot but my family is my priority. I am really thankful for all of you, you are the closest thing to friends and family in my life."
Mako:"I love you all, thanks for always being there for me, streaming has changed my life for the better"
Shiki:"Prism is its fans and i love all our fans! Please support Prism and all its talents! You guys are what keeps us all going!"
Aoi:"Hi guys, i love chilling with all of you and singing for you. I dont know how long this will last but ayyy were having fun right now right? Thanks for watching over me"