Otsukon! It was great to finally see the Sololive on stream and hear her own commentary. She kept pointing out little details that she originally planned to do differently/screwed up or instances where she fumbled her words or forgot to say what she intended to say and she seemed a tiny bit unhappy with her stamina not lasting all the way until the end (you could really hear she was completely out of gas during both encore songs), but none of it really mattered, it was basically a perfect live. It was a bit of a shame that the "love you a million" part that she forgot to say and came back for briefly as a post-credit scene didn't end up being captured on stream. But still, it's nice too hear she is ambitious enough that she wants to improve and avoid all of these things if a second one is to happen in the future. Also, she mentioned this several times already, but for the next one she would like to do more concept songs about her Fubukingdom setting with a band and rotate out some (but not all!) of the idol songs to keep it more focused on that overarching theme. Definitely looking forward to what kind of songs they come up with! She listed some fun examples in the past such as songs about her various characters, the cardboard house song, Sukonbu factory song and stuff like that.
>>96817675I think she said she got muted since it was apparent that she wasn't going to be able to speak anyway, and they wanted to avoid capturing her heavy breathing.