>>94023528>>94024380>>94024629>>94024970>>94025243>>94025510>>94025603>>94025970>>94026202The truth is that without a creator nothing we can do will ever matter, which is a reality many try their hardest to swallow, even if it leads people into depression. Atheistic naturalism is a disease-like paradigm, slowly breaking down the affected person's psychic until they accept their situation in which they make themselves equivalent to stardust.
Thankfully, the overwhelming evidence points to a creator with an intelligent mind and emotions, which would mean that we are not simply stardust, but unique individuals with value and purpose.
You want to say there is no God? You're free to do so and free to be wrong, the God you don't believe in gave you free will to do as you please! But the same God will rightfully hold you accountable for your immoral actions, even for one tiny lie. You might feel like that's unfair, especially given that the chosen punishment for sin is death and eventually hell, but that's because you don't understand how holy God is. If you were to stand before Him you would acknowledge just how evil you are and how deserving of death you are. This, unfortunately, goes for all of us, we're all so very evil in contrast to God! We all deserve death for our sin, but the same holy God is loving and merciful. He doesn't wish for any one sinner to rightfully perish, but for everyone to inherit eternal life, which can only be done by accepting the gift of God, which is grace given through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ—the eternal Godman, God the Son who wilfully humbled Themselves by becoming human through a human birth to die for our sins, paying humanity's wages and then defeating death so that we may inherit eternal life as followers of Him.
So believe the gospel and be saved, believe in God and don't be depressed! You all have value and purpose, and it's not just a fairy tale! This is all real and this all happened and the evidence points to this being the case!
Don't trust blindly, use your God given discernment to check these claims! All of creations points to God and Jesus Christ was the ultimate sign of His existence, believe the sign of the incarnation of God almighty and repent and put your trust in the all powerful and all loving God!
Hope this helps! See you in three days!