>>75181638>>early arcs are of VERY poor visual qualityWatch the movies
>The show is infamous for that, DBZ had some stinkersThank you for acknowledging that Z also had its faults in the animation department. Also let's not the pacing and filler making Z have over 500+ episodes. Thank God for Kai and the countless video game adaptations. Also abridged.
>but DBS hit some new lows in that departmentAnd some highs. Let's also not mindhole the highs which absolutely dwarf the lows. Most of your rant about the animation leaves out the fact that super at its best has God tier animation. When it was still airing, everyone was drooling over the animation and animators who were working on it. Fun fact, dbs birthed the first few sakuga circles on twitter.
>>movie retellings were boring as fuck for the most part, changed stuff just adding to the "canon" confusionJust watch the movies bro. Weird critism considering that's what most people did.
>>Goku's character devolves significantlyBecause of Toriyama wanting to make goku's character traits of being a battle maniac more apparent after watching toie's Z adaptation portraying Goku as some heroic Jesus figure.
>because as the main character they wanted to have him to go through typical arcsIntentional. It HAS been 20 years since Z you know.
>Goku is supposed to be a seasoned martial arts masterHe is but there's always room for improvement.
>and even in DBZ already by Cell saga he is more of a mentor character (to Gohan) than a student??? Gohan acknowledges Goku as his first mentor in super. Something that carried over from Buu arc.
>Super ramps up his immaturity, WAKU WAKU and makes him relearn fighting basics like he is 10 againAny examples of him relearning these fighting basics you speak of? Goku is still a seasoned battle genius in Super. Don't lie.
> very often he ends up acting like an idiotGoku's most apparent character trait.
>very different from his DBZ self who actually takes threats seriouslythreats which could have easily been resolved if Goku and the gang used the Dragonballs. But WAKU WAKU Goku loves a challenge. And if they fail the Dragonball ls their most convenient get out of jail card.
>>poor, very poor writingThe character writing and character interactions are great in super though. And that's all that matters really.
>some things are acceptable in DBZ due to age and nostalgiaTrue. We love nostalgia here.
>but DBS once again hits new lows here (Zamasu was the most interesting arc overall, but the ending ruined everything, it was dogshit)An arc that had actual stakes? the villain actually winning? And divine intervention being the only thing that could save the day? finally something unique from the usual DB affair.
>>Goku and Vegeta actually lose most of their fightsBased. JOBku and JOBjita can't stop jobbing.
>>new transformations actually lose most of their fightsLike ssj3? Kaioken? Ultimate Gohan?
> and are kinda uselessLike ssj3 and ultimate?
>>power levels are one thing, new foes or side characters effortlessly catching up to Goku and Vegeta who trained their asses off for decadesLike toddler Gohan being stronger than his 20yrs father? Like Gero creating Frieza 200million powerlevel tier robots?
> at that point starts looking kinda silly (U6 saiyans and their back tingles)It's canon now btw kek. based Toriyama [raughs].
>>only by ToP we got some quality fightsGoku Vs android 17
Goku Tien Vs Gohan Piccolo
Zamasu Black Vs Goku Vegeta Trunks
Goku Vs Frieza
Vegeta Vs Frieza
Goku Vs beerus
Goku Vs hit
>But it was still mostly nonsense; Jiren was a terrible non-character antagonistJiren exists to become the strongest. That's his character. He's a stone brick wall. He's the personification of STRENGTH and betterment in POWER.
> with generic backstoryfitting for someone like Jiren
>and not a villainyeah because he's an actual Hero which works as a good contrast to the non hero Goku who only lives to fight strong people.
>UI is really the only interesting thing out of everythingThe entire show was a build up to UIs debut. The fact they struck the landing deserves the praise. Fun fact, UI broke the internet. Twitter was dying, streaming sites were dead, and porn hub wouldn't work.
> but at its core it's still just avoiding enemy attacks by instinct (duh)You're oversimplifying UI to make it easier to shit on it. Fuck off.
> typical martial arts concept and something that Goku was supposed to learn as early as original DBThe mastery of self movement. Something that all of Goku's mentors tried instilling in him. And it's only through an Angel's teachings that this technique finally clicked. Goku's final transformation being the culmination of all of his efforts and journey as a martial artist.