>>65965931Any time, bud.
The only reason I know is I've been there. I am there, but pushing out from it, starting with the small things I can change and by setting goals for what I want on a realistic timeline, weekly, monthly and long term goals that can be axhieved working on things step by step. 2024 is the year I live for myself because I deserve better than my own mental prison, and you do too, even if you don't believe it at the moment.
Also what I've learned from the successful people that have been gracious enough to put up with my former self-pitying ass is that the only way to get the life you want is to risk. Business failed? Learn from what went wrong and try again or move onto the next idea but with your new wisdom. My mother failed 3 businesses before her successful one. My stupidly rich army friend failed like 4 ventures before he got stupidly rich. He also failed his relationship with 6 girls before he finally got married and had kids. Mom didn't stop, friend didn't stop, they just kept trying. No failures, only setbacks.
Good luck, going for my morning run!