>>6857028but it's true. For exactly that coin, you get 50% returns. Averaged over all your purchases, you'll have to take your MPP to do this calculation.
None of this changes any of the absolute values, you only get a rough estimate of how well you performed in general in
- estimating how the market will act
- making good calls on how much to buy for how long, when to go out etc.
MPP calculation after selling off should NOT change, because as long as you have a single coin, you still have money spent for product received, that product being a divvies producer going forward. That also means you can calculate how much money you have spent for these coins in total, which then tells you exactly how much return you would get [previous week], acting as a starting point for estimating performance for the [current week/incoming divvies]
All calculation give is specific info you might or might not find useful. Play however you want, nobody said acting on divvies% is optimal play and we can very much have someone rise to the top ignoring all our strats and just doing a single week of betting on a coin out of gut feeling or Insider-Info (Mengen) which then pays out ridiculously high, and still take the leaderboard instance by instance.
Also looking at cute graphs and tables is fun and makes my decisions seem smarter, at least now I can show you why I am still pumping those Botans whenever I have liquid