Also: Any inputs for new chants or music? Is anything outdated or not fun anymore?
Check out our Wiki page
https://implyingrigged.info/wiki//holoX/Music and chants are welcome. You can submit yt links with timestamps or clips, I can extract audio.
So far on my list:
- Add the new songs
- Process chants collected here
>>68259181- Add player database (low prio)
>Changes on the rooster(La+) Wifi-kun -> (Meta) HoloXer
(La+) I like Ass -> (La+) Lapdog
(La+) My Daugther -> (La+) Unchained Laplus
(La+) Wagahai -> (Lui) Dragon Quest Hate/Love
(Iroha) Harem Master -> (Iroha) Iroha the strongest being
(Koyori) Koyoyoyo -> (Koyori) Dinoegg Mayonnaise Researcher
>What's going on?Our AES, rooster and billboards have been submitted.
https://implyingrigged.info/wiki//vt/_League_Billboards#/holoX/Next up are music and chants. The deadline is very lenient but I want to cross it from my list. Group stage draw is on 24th February. We'll know our opponents then and can create hype material. We can already collect memes, music or templates to build something on (I can edit videos but I'm bad in sourcing ideas and material).
We can parody movie trailers, songs or memes. See the vtl6 Friendlies intro
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOd6GpYrEwgGroup stage draw will be on 24th February. Block your calendars for the match days: March 1-3, 8-10, 15-17
>Call for contributionsWe want hypes! It's easy to edit some logos, mascots or any other images into a video and replace words in the audio. I'm thinking about the hype from /fvr/ vs /mayo/ or maybe the friendlies intro. Just submit some cool memes to exploit.
>SUBMIT MOAR GAMETIPS! Just dump a shitpost into the form.https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScQ2qkIthMooFnrkHHhoMKDh_gK5AmpBa0wJapUg5nbZ4_DOw/viewform