>>69069854The requirements that you need to satisfy for the Permanent Resident visa application are :
• Having sufficient assets or ability to make an independent living (stable job, enough savings...) – Pomu has this
• Satisfying all the requirements to maintain the current visa status (maintaining an appropriate job in case of a work visa holder, maintaining a stable marriage in case of a spoues visa holder for example) – This one she’d require a visa for but she could potentially get an entertainer visa first to live there for up to 36 months
• 10 years of consecutive residence in Japan, which should include 5 years of residence under a work visa or those granted according to the family status (Spouse of Japanese national, Long Term Resident...) – This would be impossible on an entertainer visa but you can shorten this (discussed below)
• Currently having the longest period of stay (3 years in most cases) – Possible if she gets an entertainer visa
• Having paid taxes and contributions to the official Japanese social security system during the required period and respected the payment deadline at all times - Possible if she gets an entertainer visa
• Having submitted all the required notifications (change of employers, change of company address etc.) to the Immigration office – This is easy
• Having a guarantor (Japanese national or permanent resident visa holder) to support the application – She can ask Maddie or one of her other Japanese friends for this
• Having stayed in Japan physically for more than 6 months in total in a 12 months period prior to and during the application process – again this one is easy
The requirement of the 10 year consecutive residency is shortened in the following cases:
• Applicants who scores 70 points in this Point Calculation Table at the time of application and at all times during the most recent 3 years of residency leading up to the application. (
• Applicants who scores 80 points in the said Table during the past one year of residency leading up to the application
She could probably shorten her requirement here pretty massively. If she can get at least an N2 she gets 10 points. Add 10 from her bachelor’s, 5 from staying there 3 years on an entertainer’s visa, 40 points from her income (assuming she still makes at least 100k a year), 10 for being between 30-34, and 5 from completing the training in point 12.
That’s 80 points so it’s definitely at least possible if she works hard but the question is if she’ll bother.
If she really does want to go for her dreams now then I think she'll go for it but knowing how paranoid and pessimistic she usually is idk.