>>89144833the reality is that you're a cunt. if retro was only about age, your mom would be obsolete by now, but she still sucks dicks just fine.
it's primarily about the tech and the gameplay. tech is self-explanatory, a shift from sprite-based graphics to full 3d in the mid-late '90s was a huge leap in graphics that marked the end of the retro era. modern graphics peaked with crysis and it's been a case of diminishing results ever since, increased size for little gain. the change in gameplay was a kind of result of this graphical leap, with the developers putting more and more emphasis on showing off setpieces, scripted events and moves, at the cost of player freedom. the "press x to win" glory kills in doom '16 and the fire/chainsaw/glory in doom eternal, both relying on isolated arenas and enemies teleporting in one by one (due to the engine not being able to handle more than 20-ish enemies at once, see snapmap in doom '16), are a perfect example. contrast that with pre-placed monsters, resource management and the freedom to utilize the entire map in most of classic doom's levels.
tl;dr it's about the time period, its prevailing approach to games and its tech limitations, not just age.
consider fingering a running engine next time you feel like posting anything.