>>95993609you are not thinking straight.
its PRETENDING to be vulnerable and pathetic, whispering in your ear that no one will ever believe you and that you are her property.
fuck it, lets go hard.
>Nerissa is ruinning your life.>Try to appeal to her and ask why is she so adamant in making you miserable>She, in a rare show of mercy, actually explains>Great great Ancestor sells their soul to the devil or their firstborn or whatever>that soul, is you.>for hundreds of years, you have belonged to her>and for hundreds and hundreds you'll keep belonging to her>there's no free will, there's no escape. You are her property and most beloved pet>and if the pet doenst play nice she can just squish it like a grape and wait for it to reincarnate>as she's been doing for years.>she's actually amused YOU lasted this long. She's essentially pussy whipped your soul into submission