>>94907428>tl;dr>yes but he deluded himself otherwiseor how about you just stfu like shondo told you to instead of speaking on things you don't know about?
>>94907898we are not the same
you are a troll, please stop making up lies to associate yourself with me, thanks in advance
also you retards arre so fucking dumb
gary isn't genuine, he is a literal troll, is this your first day on the internet? stop taking him serious ffs
so naive
>>94910545fleece left pretty quickly? gary is a troll and was never married, similar to groomer antis like you.
as for me i am just actually mentally ill
anyway, yeah, groomerantiniggers we get it, you're trying to lump me in with your gary larp, shut up and get a life, grown ass "men"
buy a mirror