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La+ knows that this is a betabitchboi mindset, she's only telling you imbeciles what she thinks you want to hear in the hopes of draining your wallets.
You GFE faggots are incomprehensible to me. Did you really think a cute, successful girl like her wouldn't have a boyfriend? You should assume that any girl has a boyfriend. Obviously they don't, there are roughly as many single women as there are men, but before you buy into the experience, you should acknowledge its all roleplay and that there is a non-zero percent chance that she's getting railed on the regular. She isn't a kissless virgin any more than she is a necromancer.
I don't feel overly sympathetic for her, I think she knew what kind of mongoloids she was grooming as her fanbase. You live by the mongoloid, you die by the mongoloid.
>She exploits us weak minded, spineless retards tho!
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