Quoted By:
Silverstone top 3:
1. Korone (/doog/)
2. Koyori (/mayo/)
3. Kiki (/pyon/)
Modena top 3:
1. Korone (/doog/)
2. Koyori (/mayo/)
3. Mio (/mion/)
Championship final top 10:
1. Fubuki (/fbk/) - 385 pts, 2 wins
2. Neuro (/swarm/) - 385 pts, 1 win
3. Poko (/jidf/) - 359
4. Airi (/pcgia/) - 356
5. Liacon (/lia/) - 352
6. Lamy (/become/) - 346
7. Snake (/vrt/) - 345
8. Korone (/doog/) - 331
9. Astel (/stars/) - 327
10. Kiri (/v4m/) - 308
Best livery: /mayo/
What a way to close out the championship - by tiebreaker! You certainly can't have a more crazy finish than that. For a long time, it was expected that the title would be won by one of the Koenigseggs drivers, but it ultimately ended up being the McLaren of Fubuki that barely manages to eke out a title win. Certainly a successful performance by hololive GAMERS members in the VGTC, with Korone getting 4 wins, Fubuki winning the title, and Mio getting a couple of 3rd place finishes.
Despite all the scuff, car tuning issues, pit lane bloopers, OBS issues, etc., I still had a blast streaming this series with Chrono providing great commentary, too! We are certainly gonna work on revamping the regulations for next year's VGTC championship, providing new cars to choose from, adjusting grid sizes, and making sure the tracks we race at have as few pit lane errors as possible (Minto's pit lane tragedy at Macau come to mind, perhaps?). Again, I can't thank everyone enough for making this championship happen! The effort to put it all together and have the races stage were definitely worthwhile.
VTRP will be back in action on November 8, with the start of IndieCar's 15th series! Neuro, Mint, Doki, Kiki, and not-Lulu are gonna be competing in that championship! As always, thank you so much for your support of the VGTC and the VTRP as a whole, and I'll be seeing you again for more racing fun in a few weeks. Take care till then, everyone!