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I can't imagine how it must feel to be so deep in the sunk cost fallacy after permanently damaging your body and social life that you have to then resort to bullying a woman for playing a game somewhat connected to a person who doesn't agree with your fetishised lifestyle.
The whole illusion being so fragile that seeing a wizard from your childhood can set you off, placing you in a self-inflicted spiral of depression coming from self-doubt.
If you have to surround yourself in other freaks to validate your views while attacking outsiders for even the SLIGHTEST form of doubt in this lie, then your whole "lifestyle" has no grounds.
If a 14 year old with basic biology understanding can deplete your argument to just yelling lies as objective truth, then you are below even the most pathetic of cults.
You will never be a real woman, the only act you can commit with objective fact and results is ending it, either by leaving the cult or leaving this world.