>>75077902Someone translated it
https://twitter.com/DaNoodleBrain/status/1786646705771024629An English translation of a hololive TCG playtester's thoughts:
- Basic rules are more or less Pokémon TCG
- There are Leader Cards like One Piece TCG, etc.
- Your # of "Prize Cards", in PTCG terms (your life) is noted on your Leader Card (in trial decks, Sora was 5, AZKi was 6)
- 50 card main deck
- Additionally, a separate 20 card deck exclusively for Cheer/Yell cards (in PTCG, you'd call them "Energy", in OPTCG, you'd call them "Don!")
On the field, there are:
- Fave/oshi card (Leader card)
- Center Stage (the "Active Spot" in PTCG)
- Backstage (the "Bench" in PTCG)
Including your Fave/oshi card, you can have up to 6 units on the field (essentially 5)
- Similar to PTCG, you start with (in PTCG terms) Basic Pokémon and evolve them from there (in holoTCG, it's called Bloom) - you Bloom units from début -> 1st -> 2nd
- Same rules as PTCG evolution (you cannot Bloom a unit the same turn you summon it)
- The player going first draws a card (!?)
- The player going first may attach a Cheer/Yell card, though players simply take one from the top of the Cheer/Yell deck, so they cannot choose a color
- Players may attach a Cheer/Yell card onto any hololive member on the field
- As long as there is space on the field, you may summon as many début hololive members as you wish
- The player going first cannot activate Arts on the first turn
- There are Supporter Cards (Item, Support, Staff - 3 kinds, vague recollection)
- Support cards have "limited" written on them
You may only use 1 "limited" card per turn, and the player going first cannot use them on their first turn
- Within Support cards, there were things like equipment cards
- Other than the Center Stage, there is also the Collab Area
- Once a turn, you may place an untapped hololive member into the Collab Area
- When you do, if the hololive member has a "Collab Effect", it activates
- Arts ("Attacks" in PTCG) can be activated as long as you have the requisite amount and color of Cheers/Yells attached, ending the turn
- The hololive member in the Center Stage isn't the only one that can use Arts - the hololive member in the Collab Area can activate Arts, too
- Conversely, the hololive member in your Collab Area can be targeted by your opponent's Arts
- A hololive member in your Collab Area is returned to your Backstage tapped at the start of your turn
- Each time you send a holomem out to collab, you place one card from the top of your deck face down into the Specialize zone
- The Specialize zone is used to pay the cost of activating your fave/oshi's abilities (the player going first may not activate them on their first turn)
- To pay costs for your Fave/oshi's ability, put the specified number of cards from your Specialize zone into your Archive
- Fave/oshi cards have a once per turn ability and a once per game ability
- When hololive members take damage, you place damage counters on them, similar to PTCG
- When their HP reaches 0, they are placed into the Archive (there is no graveyard). Cheer/Yell cards and equipment attached to them also go into the Archive
- The player whose holo was just defeated takes a Cheer/Yell card from their Life zone and attaches it to a hololive member on the field
- You lose if you have 0 hololive members on the field, if you are at 0 life, or if you have 0 cards in your deck when your turn starts
Other notes:
- There was something written that looked like a Retreat Cost, but we were asked this time to disregard it while playing
- Sora's final evolution had an Art that said "+50". I asked if it was a healing effect, but I was told to please disregard it while playing
- There was a 1st stage Bloom card "SorAZ".
It could be Bloomed from either Sora or AZKi, and could be treated as either of them [for card effects.]