>>58135003What actually happened is we were these people, the trannies are the half of us who went to indoctrinating colleges, the richer half basically. This happened primarily to the site founding cohort of ages 30-40 and is probably best reflected in the general fate of the SomethingAwful forums. History lesson for kids, before 4chan there was SA and it's culture invented what you understand as trolling/shitposting, this was called "FYAD" and is where English speaking internet culture in general became "rude anonymous boy" instead of the politeness we had learned in real life. Like 60 or 70% of those original people became the trannies, they're still part of the extended FYAD culture and probably view themselves as the legitimate cultural fate of our entire generation. In their mind anyone not going along with them is just an "inheritor", a follower copying his parents culture and you'll see that core assumption in everything they try to do.
Also I noticed the more conservative the parents the more lib the kids, older millenials only. I think the actual disaster is Boomers didn't raise their kids, they were too afraid to ever grow old and so never did, so here we are watching boomers spend what should be our money because they just never grew up period.
KGB active measures destroyed the US in the 1980's and we live in a dancing corpse with people who's big concern is not feeling weird while buying panties