>>19711627You thought I was done? I'm not done, I'm about to free you from all anxiety, all bondage and all lies that you've been fed. This especially applies to the Christian's here because you're lost, you have been consuming a perverted bible, a doctrine of devils.
What do the majority of Christians believe? They think that God, in all his sovereignty and glory, somehow messed up and is trying to salvage a bad situation. How naive are you?
The doctrine these people teach and believe strips God of his glory and divinity completely. The doctrine that these people teach and believe strips down what Jesus did on the cross to being meaningless when the reality is what Jesus did on the cross affects not only the world but the heavens as well.
Allow me to enlighten you by elaborating.
Christian's would have you believe that God manages to save like what? 5% of people? So the rest are suffering 'eternally' (I'll get to this later) in the lake of fire.
Gospel means 'The good news'. Where's the good news here? Even if you manage to get to heaven, just about everybody you know won't. Also have you seen how this depicts God? Because according to this, satan has just mogged him by snatching 95% of his creation away from him. Where is God's glory in this doctrine? Where is his victory? How will every knee bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is King and glorify God when they're all eternally suffering? Even atheists have a less severe end than this.
This is a doctrine of devils. It depicts a satan victory. Sure, satan might be thrown into the lake of fire too, but anybody that looks at these numbers will still easily be able to discern that this is a satan victory if he were to take 95% of God's creation from him.
For shame, painting the Most High God as being so weak.
What about Jesus then? Christianity today will tell you that his sacrifice isn't enough apparently, because these guys don't understand what 'it is finished' means, nor do they understand what it means to pay a debt in FULL. These people do not trust God, they're in bondage, they're terrified of hell and they live miserable lives because of it. Their faith is weak and instead of leaning on Jesus who has paid for their freedom they instead try to work for His approval.
I fell down this rabbit hole, I jumped from doctrine to doctrine, non of which made sense.
Tell me, what do you think Jesus died for? Particularly asking those that believe you have to earn your good boy points with God, what is this? They've turned God into fucking santa clause, trying to stay off his naughty list.
You don't even understand the SHEER SIGNIFICANCE of what happened that day on the cross.
Instead they try to make it seem like Jesus died for essentially nothing. It's outrageous when you think about it.
>Jesus comes and dies>"Btw you now have to abide by an even stricter version of the law, even though nobody but me could fulfill the law"Yeah, no. Jesus was the only one who could fulfill the law. He overcame the world. You trying to mimic him is just a crude mockery and spitting in the face of what He already accomplished.