>>50573687Archiving taking a long time, didn't expect it to be so pain
But at least I'm getting it done, need to save that extra space.
>>50574030I'll give those a try sometime, see if they play ball.
>>50574356>I've heard some conflicting things about it as a whole, but maybe I'll check it out. Not sure if anything is ever gonna top "Flock off, feather face!" though.It's got some good stuff, mainly in the music department, which is pretty important for DmC. It also features "between DMC1&4" Dante which is the perfect blend of trenchcoat edge and mariachi dilf (he has a gut guitar theme in the anime btw). To me it's the purest expression of his character, and its not even in any of the games, though I guess it makes sense since the stories are a bit more character driven than a video game can be.
>>50577008I didn't know I needed these, thanks succbro.
>>50577786Been a while since we've had some admiral and
was it weapons engineer? lulu action.