>>31701592>>31700954Gnosticism is just the self deluded version of the true Eternal Consent brought about by the Divine Redemption meme that renders man's life an a prior benevolent conspiracy between one's perfected self in Eternity and the Author and Maintainer of Eternity. Gnosticism falls flat because it fails to acknowledge the Eternal Identity of Truth God Our Creator.
The entire structure of the "Idol" persona is in creating a lesser fractal of the Divine Redemption meme in a tangible palatable manner for the segments of society that NEED that type of content for connection.
>>31702048Yes having an understanding of eastern spiritual teachings is an invaluable tool in navigating the realm of Idol culture and chuubas. Alan Watts also does a beautiful job of crafting the parallels between east and west for dumb drooling annie may girl chasers like me to understand and now you can too!