Bit of a newfag here looking for some advice while my remote server's down, has anyone tried doing a sequence like the one posted here
>>78291159 but with a consistent background (not just style or type, but fully consistent)? Would it be possible to achieve by using a consistent seed and inpainting changes (such as posing, thrusting, expressions, etc.) or would things like hair being in one position for image A and another for image B morph the background too much? The other working theory I want to test is generating a detailed background, then generating characters/poses with a flat colour background, then cutting the characters onto the detailed background (like a green screen), then maybe processing through img2img to blend shading/lighting etc. I get that this all sounds like more work than its worth, but if anyone's tried it or similar ideas I'd love to hear how it turned out.
LQ Luna Hime rough sexo for your trouble