>>50109384there's been a couple graduations but nobody noteworthy, no clue what happened to Lullabaa
>Don't think I know or remember who Xianormal green girl who streamed about a month before graduating, was popular in the aspcord, I think she's 20 years old right now
>what'd he get incarcerated for?drugs.
>Any nu-asspies worth checking?someone made a list, and a tierlist, I like Digby as a male, the girls are the same as usual; they have a vagina
https://tiermaker.com/create/-asp--gen-4-and-affiliated-fixed-15694653https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Csz0PRKbfSSJOhh4JBjvsJQ7EnyrUb1t7-VfBuwSips/>>50110785>On God, fuck them all so muchyes please, fuck me