>>53321253I don't partake in prompting new characters, but the viewpoint that the main OC chuubas are any less valid than the Pippa stream generated ones is stupid. Pippa herself approves and is fine with them, the "canon" talents generally approve of them, there is literally 0 harm in just generating new designs, it keeps the thread bumped at least.
Also, just because someone joins FlaVR, it doesn't make them an automatic Pippa fan, (don't want to bring Kinolime into it, but she admits it herself in this post
>>53304696), Mixie never did either before she joined.
I know who is doing the prompting of new characters, and believe me, they're supporting the existing talents, it's not just random people off the catalog.
This poster
>>53321505 is also correct, just because someone generates a design doesn't automatically mean someone will pick it up, and even if someone picks it up doesn't mean they will actually run with it, in fact, the majority of the dropped characters have been Pippa-prompted designs (Alu, Rosalind, Niicola). Would it not be better to have a varied roster of character designs to choose from, since a person coming in may not like Pippas original designs?
Anyways, for me at least, the point of FlaVR has always been about being a community around a faux-corpo instead of a collection of loosely related indies, and thats the sentiment a lot of people who joined up have had.
>>53321952This argument has been dead for a while and just now cropped up due to this
>>53260520 post. I'd also like to correct you, /fvr/ has always been slow and only picks up when people decide to talk shit, I remember as far back as February having to bump threads with images in the middle of the weekday.
>>53322483Thanks, I'll remember to take my meds next time