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"The ruler game", strict English teacher Choco ft. unruly class.
"At half past seven, the couple in the room began to quar", Nene's chalk paused its quick, yet careful, scribbling noise as she glanced over her shoulder to see her teacher's face, then resumed. "rel. The man in the room sout-AW!" The last part appeared not on the blackboard, naturally, but upon her lips. Nene wiped off "sout", then replaced it with "saught" - that was met with another dull thwack - and, finally, with "sought". That was self-evidently correct, and the dictation resumed: "for A on his flute, the gas went a little lower, three coal wagons started to unload..."
Choco actually liked the ruler game, in part for the obvious pun that none of the girls seemed to have noticed, probably by way of being preoccupied with the ruler as a very physical implement. The concept was dead simple — if you were unsatisfied with how you did on a spelling test, you could take a remedial in front of the class, which was guaranteed to be a perfect score, if only due to the fact that, instead of marking down their score for every error, she would physically imply that they've made a mistake, every time, until they've gotten it right. It was actually surprisingly effective, because it served as a reminder for the rest of the class on how to spell particularly tricky words, plus the girls that took it cared enough about their score to actually study in the first place, and she was looking for ways to adapt this method to other areas of study. Though that was not really the main draw for her.
Nene finished writing "... with hardboiled egg" and waited for a nod to sit down. She had no difficulty doing so — the point of the exercise wasn't to hurt her as much as it was to embarrass, which, judging from her ears, flushed with red, was a success. On some level everyone understond that fairly nominal ruler thwacks through clothes really weren't that bad, but that didn't preclude pity looks, and, more importantly, helped set the mood that Choco enjoyed so much. Reminding everyone who's really in charge here, including charge of their own bodies. The ruler, so to say. The queen. Choco did hope that outright helping Nene spell "dandeleonized" did not do much to diminish that effect, as much as it is a fact that authorial neologisms are totally unfair in a dictation.
"Now, class," she started, "I'd like to just tell you all that you did a good job and wish you a nice spring break, but there's a few matters I'd like to attend to. Of course, first of all, you did fairly badly, but if I wanted to go through the whole list we'd be here all night." She expected at least some polite giggles, but that only really got a hushed murmur. Of course the prospect wasn't really amusing from their perspective, but she didn't really care. "So let's keep this short and talk to the exemplars today. On the topic of attendance, let's see here..." Choco started leafing through the class journal, pretending to count the X-es for each surname across the semester, but it really was theatrics, since you could guess the head truant of the class immediately if you've been attending it for the past few weeks yourself, and people were already glancing over at her. Choco let her be nervous for a few minutes before ripping off the figurative band-aid. "Aha. Is... Uruha Rushia here? Please come over here, we need to talk." Without glancing up, she heard the sound of a moving chair, then slow, cautious, uneven footsteps.