>>54710049Kill yourself. Put your entire body in a wood chipper and feel as it grinds you to paste, you retarded, brain dead SEAmonkey, constantly begging for scraps of drama to bring into your cave like Gollum and his gay little ring. A hologirl says anything and you add it to your collection of distorted faces desperately hoping for your validation from r/okbuddyhololive and @BannedVtuberMemes. But you will never get it. You don’t have a soul. Anything inside of you that was real or kind was sucked out long ago and replaced with the egocentric desire for attention, attention, attention, to commodify and warp the girls into another bid for more retarded circlejerking, more internet clout that matters to no one but you, you 3rd world shitskin faggot. There’s only one way to save yourself from this behavior. Kill yourself. Place your head in a trash compactor. Hang yourself with the dog leash. Swallow all of your ritalin in one foul swoop and wash it down with booze. Kill yourself now.