Otsonny!! Productive return to okami today with a seven hour stream, wow! It's been months since he had a solo stream that long, it'd be nice if he can build his streaming stamina back up with the colder weather... We went from aimlessly wandering to awakening the dark lord, and a whole lot happened in between. I enjoyed today's adventure, there were a lot of stupid shenanigans. Sonny's talked about how the game can get a bit repetitive (not necessarily in a bad way, but to a point where he doesn't always have commentary to give when he's not progressing the story) but I do personally find that main gameplay loop pretty comfy. He finally found a way to enter the palace to go meet queen himiko, but was sent on a wild goose chase after finding out he'd have to play 'the floor is lava' to get to her. This alone would take about three hours, during which he helps out plenty of people with their trivial affairs, becomes an artiste once more by creating a beautiful negi kimono design, and kaguya is reunited with her found family before returning to the moon in a goddamn spaceship(????). Uhh... water dragon fight doko? I also gotta say he has a lot of patience for the shit these incompetent citizens put him through, although he still fucking hates that digging minigame. At the very least, the parting gift the moon rabbit leaves for us will help us cross that lava lake back at the palace. After meeting with the queen and getting the qrd we're sent on our way to subdue the water dragon and find oni island so we can save sei-an city. There's a lot of shit going on in the story so excuse my brevity but we get to the water dragon eventually, but not before some more zelda-esque sequences (wind waker this time) that sonny simply cannot help but point out. To even get to the dragon palace and enlist the help of otohime however, he must climb a fucking skyscraper to help the disguised deity at the top(??), but despite the tedium of this, the abundance of neko-chan brought back his stupid gaijin accent japanese so I can't really complain. Oh shit, we can meet the queen now! Oh, we need the dragon orb and fox rods that the water dragon swallowed so we can get rid of the barrier around oni island? Guess we'll be on our way! Inside of the water dragon was actually very pretty and a nice change of pace visually, I'll give it that. Also, I am proud to announce that somewhere around this point sonny finally raised the standing desk that had remained in a lowered position for so long. I remember him mentioning it months ago... good thing it wasn't broken or something KEK. I found it really cute how anxious he was about shit falling and whatnot when he was raising it, proud of him for venturing out of his comfort zone today and getting on his feet for a bit. Now did he put it right back down after stream, or will he stand more often now that he knows it works okay? Asking the real questions here. Anyways, the water dragon (who we discover was otohime's husband) fucking dies once we get the orb and fox rods from it, so we take these back to otohime who can turn into a dragon to help us instead... I concur she's much better looking in her human form. But not before she has a terrible vision through the orb! Time to go back to the palace. Oh man, Rao was evil after all...? And issun still doesn't have any new jokes. Sonny crossed the fish bridge to oni island to follow evil nina (who's now empowered by the stolen fox rods) and made it a ways into that dungeon before finally ending for the night, we'll just have to save the world again next time.
Christ that was a lot. I wonder how heavily the game adheres to specific japanese folklore at this point in the story... Japan, what the hell are you doing over there? I'm sure sonny's ryukakusan addiction helped him power through this information overload, especially with all the narrating he had to do. Luckily he could also do some fishing along the way to keep himself sane. 26 hours into okami! If he keeps chugging along like this I guess he's only got four-ish streams left til it's over, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. I look forward to the continuation of this epic. Thanks for a silly and long stream taichou, Wednesday's got me scratching my head a little but overall the schedule looks good, and I'll see you @ shu's birthday and vox's star wars watchalong. Sleep well and see you soon! o7
>>48517218Regardless of what happens, I just wanna see the noombers thread get rekt