Japan mental health resources anchor free feel to add
>いのちの電話 (Inochi no Denwa)Website:
https://www.inochinodenwa.org/Phone: 0120-783-556 (Toll-free, available 24 hours)
Description: A nationwide suicide prevention hotline offering confidential support and counseling for those in crisis.
>自殺予防総合対策センター (Japan Suicide Prevention Center)Website:
https://www.jssc.ncnp.go.jp/Phone: 03-5286-9090 (Office hours only)
Description: Provides information on suicide prevention and offers resources for individuals experiencing suicidal thoughts.
>こころの健康相談統一ダイヤル (Mental Health Consultation Hotline)Phone: 0570-064-556 (Available 24/7)
Description: Offers mental health support and connects callers to local mental health services for further assistance.
>よりそいホットライン (Yorisoi Hotline)Website:
https://www.since2011.net/yorisoi/Phone: 0120-279-338 (Available 24/7, supports multiple languages)
Description: Provides emotional support for various issues, including mental health crises, and financial resources.
>東京都立精神保健福祉センター (Tokyo Mental Health and Welfare Center)Website:
https://www.fukushihoken.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/smph/kokoro/index.htmlPhone: 03-3844-2212 (Available during office hours)
Description: Offers mental health services, including crisis intervention and counseling, specifically for residents of Tokyo.
>精神科救急情報センター (Psychiatric Emergency Information Center)Phone: 03-5774-0992 (Tokyo, 24/7 service)
Description: Provides emergency assistance and information on psychiatric care facilities for individuals in crisis.
>警察庁 (National Police Agency)Emergency Phone: 110 (Emergency services)
Description: In cases of immediate danger, contact the police for emergency assistance and intervention.
>心の耳 (Kokoro no Mimi)Website:
https://kokoro.mhlw.go.jp/Description: A government-run website offering mental health resources, information, and self-check tools, primarily for workers but useful for nyone seeking mental health support.
>日本いのちの電話連盟 (Federation of Inochi no Denwa Japan)Website:
https://www.inochinodenwa.org/Phone: 0120-783-556 (Available 24/7)
Description: Part of the global "Lifeline" network, offering emotional support and crisis intervention services.
>子ども電話相談 (Children's Hotline)Website:
https://www.mhlw.go.jp/kokoro/soudan.htmlPhone: 0120-99-7777 (Available during office hours)
Description: Provides counseling and support specifically for children and young people in distress.