>>28531056The purity culture you idolize chewed her up and spat her out for a transgression that wasn't even real. A lot of your once-fellow travelers on this board turned on her - called her a liar, a whore, a traitor, cheered when it looked like she might kill herself.
Meanwhile, this group of self-admitted sluts extended a hand and helped her up when she was at her lowest, at a moment when it was gospel in social media that her public career was over.
The fact of the matter is, sometimes, not always but sometimes, people whose opinions we disagree with -whose opinions we might find repulsive even-, are good people. And people whose opinions we agree with might turn out to be monsters. When this happens, it's hard, very hard to accept because in this society we're taught to associate our opinions directly to the company we keep, and to measure the worth of people by how much they agree with us rather than by what they do.
You should consider what happened a humbling experience and a chance to rethink your position. Set your hatred aside and give Vshojo a chance - not in the sense of adopting their opinions or cheering on the other girls' streaming styles, but in the sense that they did something good by bringing Nazuna aboard. Their current track record with her is good, so why assume they'll pressure or bully her into becoming something she's not?