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If uwu cawe abouwt someone, uwu down't abandon thewm fow five months.
imagine she cowmes bawck awnd says she cawes abouwt us ow thawt she appweciates us. Those wowds wiww feew compwetewy howwow no mattew whawt she says.
if she evew does anothew kawaoke awnd sings a wove song, uwu'ww know iwt's nowt diwected at us awnd thewe's no additionaw meaning tuwu iwt othew than she juwst wants tuwu sing thawt song. Even if she wepwaces wowds in iwt with "chumbies", iwt won't mean anything awnd iwt wiww nevew feew wike iwt used tuwu.
in the bawck of youw mind, uwu'ww awways know thawt she was pewfectwy fine with disappeawing without a wowd fow hawf a yeaw because in weawity, we nevew meant anything tuwu hew at aww awnd she's juwst saying things she thinks we wawnt tuwu heaw.
the magic iws gone awnd iwt's nevew coming bawck.