>>90999809Fauna undoubtedly has a vast intellect but not necessarily any great wisdom. Her scientific knowledge has the drawback of presenting her with the mistaken notion of being all-knowing, ie, the collapse of Ontology into Cosmology and Metaphysics into Physics. Many, if not most, people with a deep interest in natural science make this mistake nowadays, hence the saying "Scientists are horrible Philosophers" and which is why reddit atheism became such a big movement and later a global laughing stock as they got co-opted by progressives and never seemed to grow past the intellectual maturity of a 14-year old.
Fauna however is not some Dawkins-tier reductionist fanatic who tries to get away from having to do his homework by shamelessly begging the question. She is simply a product of the unexamined presuppositions of her time. Presuppositions which are getting more and more questioned by the day, as their nihilistic logical conclusions are found to clash with the most basic human experiences, such as our instinctive recognition of transcendentals such as Love, Justice and Good. Fauna certainly loves Snail, but has she ever wondered about what Love actually is? Probably not. And that's a fault with our civilization, not her.