here is how i believe we should restart
have the settings first and foremost, add a little introductionary blur to get the ideas and feel of the setting across and then have the different subcategories as makes sense for that setting
to me this makes much more sense, still puts worldbuilding together first and foremost and encourages it.
new people can go in and directly get an overview of the settings and see if they find something that might fancy their interest and if not they can go ahead and create a new one. there is no need for lenghty reps to be done first or need to learn some tag system first annd know what "the era after" tag means that may or may not appear under their chuuba.
you also actually get an overview of all settigns that exists even if nothing for your thread or chuuba has ever been written for it
>>52751697with this system, you only see what already exists for your thread/corpo/chuuba. if there is no lore for your chuuba in the "era after" setting yet then you won't even know it exists unless you go through and check a tag system seperated somewhere entirely else or get lucky that the pirate setting uses the "pirate" tag instead of a settingname tag like "Chuubabbean".
anyone that coems in wanting to write for their chuuba ro whatnnot already also knnows their offical lore ennough that they don't need a blurb of it first and foremost. and if you wanan write for a chuuba you know jack shit about, well then do your reps annd go to the vtuebr wiki or the about section on their youtube/twitch.
thats where one should do reps, not in our own convuleted system of how we present ourselves towards nenw people. in fact it was this need of never ending reps on our project spread across the whole archive why we drove many people away in the first place.
isntead they should jsut open an archive, see the setting named andn find oen that might sound itneresting, read the blurb explain the gist of it and then be able to get to town on it