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Here are the current streams happening friends.
In less than 20 minutes, we've got Nature and Civilization coming together in harmony as Meimei and Fauna make sure that they don't starve together as they play...Don't starve together. It's going to be such a comfy and potentially hilarious stream as these two are supposedly very calm streamers but their solo streams from yesterday have proven that one of them has a sinister side and the other has a cursed side.
While Kiarfield gets roasted by Gordon Ramsey (Fake) AND her own mother due to her super panicking during her Lasagna making stream but everything seems to be going absolutely swimmingly and we're sure that the meat sauce will stiffen up like everyone in /hlgg/ once they see those gloved hands again.
While Pizza Papa's talking about Apex Legends as he just casually builds yet another laboratory to hold unknown experiments of varying dangers in his nice comfy Minecraft stream. He's completely ecstatic about all this, perhaps his mind has not yet recovered from the Upa Rupa genocide of July-August.