>>3641652So, as someone who knows jack shit about Nijis, here's my completely unbiased opinion.
This is kind of shit. First of all, the designs are nice, and I like the ideas behind each of the girls. Elira is the best one for me, but others do not fall behind too much.
But holy shit, their behavior on Twitter is awful. They're not trying to make a good first impression, they don't talk about their lore, or simply keep quiet. They act like they're in a race to make the front page of r/funny, and that's just fucking embarrassing. These fucking girls don't understand what being an idol means, and I'm not even talking about seiso bullshit.
Let's take Calliope Mori for example. Nothing about that girl screams "seiso" to anyone, she's a loud, foul-mouthed tomboy without a concept of self-awareness. But God damn, she tries her absolute hardest, and she's always 100% sincere. And we saw that from the very beginning. When she awkwardly stumbled through her debut and gave us great music, was almost driven to tears with those first superchats, when she was constantly repeating how her dream came true on the costume unveiling stream - that's what the true idol experience is about. Not memes, not reddit karma, not post-ironic cynicism. It's about honesty, sincerity, and rewarded effort.
Obviously, we shouldn't judge these girls only by whatever farts they post on Twitter now, but something tells me that they don't want to be idols. They want to be influencers. They want to build their personas on dozens of layers of irony, to make sure that nothing real or serious about them ever slips out, and have an army of brainless reddit children buying their merch and liking their meme videos. And what they will end up with will be the most soulless fucking empire of dirt one can imagine. Gura went through this before, and there's a reason why she doesn't drink on stream anymore.
I still hope that they will change their minds before it's too late.