>>18282552this is thwe fites timew ive had a firnw ofcwer in montrhA BE AUASE ALL MOF MY FRINEDFXCA KEEP HAVBI G COVID OVUOTBABERQWajkx art out weorkplac4esz andy ouive4 not seen myu non-wokrt firnedsz in so lonig abnf one even hacd to call off becAUSE SHGE WASNTY FEELING GOOD BUC THE OHTERT FRTINWES CAZMEW AND I MADE URRTY AND WE ASTRCXHJED THE 86 ANIM E AND HER LET ME GEEK OUT ABOUT WHY I THI K ITS SO GHOOD ANDF IT WEAS fune4r i missa thwe old world
>>18282632i just took ibuprohpene im maching my keyboard and noty even lkooking at my typos becauwe i thi nk its funny and hope no one wiokll remebytvbwet tyhis tomorrow