>conssounds like the most basic bitch ever, sickly, bee plushie everywhere autism would drive me insane
>proscute, nice singing voice, has guns, early stages of 40k mind virus (I can make it worse), can be full Nelson carried
>conslitteral Hills have Eyes ass hick family, pet shit everywhere, horrible spending habits, can't cook or appreciate good food, uneducated, doesn't like scifi, if left unchecked would actualy be a hazard to my social standing and possibly to my career
>prosvery cute dork, funny, multiple shared interests and experiences (and trauma) we can bond over, has started to work on her health, extremely groomable (for her own good), undercover submissive freak, small and thin like Shiina but with a dumpy, can also be full Nelson carried
I like a challenge so I'll go with Pippa but only short term and living apart, unless she ditches her asshole leech family and I take over the finances, she agrees to only two pets and learns to cook (I'll help with that), because I won't be eating fucking chicken nuggies and macn'chesse like I'm 12 for the rest of my life. Shiina could be either a friend or a one-time thing.