>>20421065>>20421141Dropping additional responsibilities without extra pay is a widespread "trick" in management to cut corners on salaries, across all sorts of office settings.
>>20421141>Like most vtuber companies, talents are expected to pay back the cost of the models. In the case of CLIVE, talents can choose whether they would like the company to take a cut from their earnings each month (which is the industry standard), or if they would like to pay back the cost of the model in increments or in full. CLIVE also foots a portion of the bill and talents are only expected to pay back a fraction of the cost.>This is pretty standard for all Vtuber companies and is the reason why most companies have their talents enter a contract for a specified amount of time. This information is not usually made available to the public, but CLIVE is very transparent and up front about the costs.>This is explained in the sign up form! Hope this helps! According to pic-related, a vtuber. So odds are they worked out some deal to forgive the debt on the model.