>>59431971>>59431428Unsolicited idea champ here [Longpost] [Vote] is for (You) to give your opinion on the given idea greentext the idea and respond with your opinion.
Saw kiki’s idea for a donothon, I think it could be good if done right and planned well, but could equally be bad if done wrong and with no plan. I did some reps to see what others do for them to get some ideas and from what I have seen there is four main things streamers normally do for them, that is
* Endurance stream (sometimes for weeks or months, crazy I know but there mostly sleep through it)
* Donation goal rewards (for the future) and donation requests (for the current stream)
* Special event/time, it is done for a birthday, number milestone, etc.
* Merch sale for stuff.
Obvious kiki’s merch isn’t set up yet so that will have to wait but a selection of rewards or donation requests could be fun along with an endurance stream but maybe for 12 hours since --- (youtube), but also I think a 24-hour endurance stream would be unrealistic for kiki since she has never done a stream that long and has said she gets concerned about being low energy. If she does want to do a multi-day donothon with comfy sleep ASMR that could work too. Up to kiki (just be realistic about what you can and can’t do kiki) [Vote]
I have seen a lot of good ideas in the thread like game requests, Little Man podcast, ASMR, kikioke, and some long-shot ideas like papapyon interview (that probably won’t happen).
Kikioke could work as views could donate song requests, but if kiki isn’t comfortable singing songs on request (doesn’t know or like the song) she could just have the kikioke as a donation goal reward where kiki just sings songs she knows and likes. [Vote]
ASMR could work will views donating ASMR sound suggestions (kiki would just have to get the sound tools/items that they all use) no lewd ASMR requests obviously. And someone also mentioned having a voice back as a dono goal. [Vote]
Now for the meat and potatoes. What will she play? The obvious first choice is for kiki to just play a game she likes for a long time. However, some champs had the idea of donating game requests. Firstly, I am unsure of the logistics of kiki getting a donation mid-stream and then having to “purchase” and download it to play, but there are other concerns too. What if 2spooky4u?, what if goyslop?, what if too male-brained like dwarf fortress or factorio?, what if champs dono fight over game picks? There would have to be rules like no mobile shit or bitcoin miners etc along with the time kiki has to play the game. Would it be fixed rate for game requests with fixed time i.e. 30mins-1hour per game, or would it be dono amount = time played like “play rayman 100$” 1$ = 1min (1h 40mins rayman played) [Vote]
If it is a sort of Gameathon where kiki bounces from game to game with requests from chat it could work but would require a lot of rules, chat not being retarded, and probably the ability for kiki to refund if she really doesn’t want to play the game requested. Maybe if kiki gets too many game requests she could just play them at a later date. [Vote]
If we do have a dono reward tier list type thing maybe one could be for kiki to play a spooky game to see her go “aaaaaiiiiieeee” thoughts? [Vote].
Another idea is donos to do something on stream, I know kiki doesn’t like twitch style “dance monkey dance” but to be honest a donothon is just donate and you do the funni. We can be respectful about it but we do also need to keep in mind that tourists and normies might come to check out the stream too hopefully, and they will probably have expectations for a donothon and will need to be at least tolerated and kept in mind. An idea I had for a donation request that might not be super annoying is donating to select outfits and accessories for kiki to wear from a preselected list, i.e. hats, clown nose, pacifier, past outfits, labcoat, Chinese dress, biker, gen 2 rigging for that one champy (you know the one). Any other ideas champs might have for donation interaction/do the funni are welcomed [Vote]
A champ previously had the idea of true of dare dono request (not sure if shitpost) I am unsure how kiki would feel about that and I wouldn’t want her to feel pressured to reveal stuff about herself but if she can find a way to make it work with rules then it is always an opinion [Vote]
I had the idea of a kikilore zatsu section where kiki talks about the past, kiki’s best hits, kino streams, old lore, old stream moments, unknown kikilore? Champs can donate to ask for either known or unknown kikilore, look back at stream moments, etc. (if kiki is comfortable with it.) [Vote]
I know at some point kiki mentioned trying out meat for a challenge type thing so maybe that could be a dono reward [Vote]
Funni stuff like cinnamon challenge, pickle eating and spicy food challenge, etc. are also good ideas {Vote}