Well lads, it's here. Less than 8 hours away and I'm finally done with this story.
The Fight will be your own. Coco Ch.
https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vSgWnD7zHmx0wkd6b3TBVdJbOfGj-JYjKqzndD6Dw1s5ofwfQC8T2fNvkJlAR6bPuMilDulP7kLEV5N/pubI'll be honest, I never particularly loved Coco, she was the Holo I loved to hate. But after the chinks and the drama she found a cozy place in my heart, and after her announcement I realized it is true you don't know what you have 'till you lose it. I'll definitely miss her hijinks from here on out. She goes out the same way she came - with a bang.