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updated the awat rentry
>Recent discovery of Amber Mines and Ore in the underground city
- /awat/ researchers have recently stumbled upon an amber mine within the tunnel of the underground city. The site is currently being excavated in hopes to find out more about the gators past
- Currently excavators are having issues digging any deeper as they are afraid of damaging the structure of the tunnel
- There's also a number of various ores and minerals being discovered within the tunnel that the researches are taking back to Watson Industries
>New years in /awat/
- Once the holidays end /awat/ begins putting away all the holiday items and prepares for the brand new year
- Through out the month a lot of health conscious and well being items are put out for sale
- The nation winds down on all the merriment and celebration and continues their everyday life as usual
- The dome continues to be in winter mode with snow and colder temperatures for those who wish to enjoy 'authentic' winter experience in the hot /awat/ environment
- There's also a board within the dome usually to hang up wishes for the new years similarly to oriental customs. Tourist love to gather there before they leave back to their home nation
>Theories of feathered gators ancestors
- Recently discovered Investigator fossil shows a jaw slightly different from previous discoveries
- Researchers say the jaw is slightly more curved with more lines of teeth than normal that are even thinner than previous discoveries
- It's also said with the discovery that its stomach shows sign of an aquatic fish only found in colder areas of the region, suggesting that either /awat/ was previously colder, previously in an aera that was colder before moving to its new location or its a sub species of investigator that's not actually from ancient /awat/
- More research is being conducted at this time with a recent discovery of fossilized feathers found in the surrounding area