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For the sake of simplification I won't include those 2-3 twitch guerillas and 2-3 collabs when she didn't stream her pov. However, I will include her scheduled Gnosia stream in March since the quality and availibility of the vod makes it on the same level as normal youtube stream. I also went ahead and included the guerilla rosemiday stream despite being only 50 minutes long.
In March she had:
22 non member streams total
6 had collab in some form, 3 of them being unprompted and affecting her solo streams (12h endurance, cooking, 200k celebration)
4 ygo streams (one collab)
In February she had:
18 non member streams total
6 ygo streams
4 collabs, all scheduled
In January she had:
22 non member streams total (not included the 10 minutes sekiro stream, she choked like 20 times before that let's be real, anything less than 0.5h is barely a stream)
3 ygo streams
9 collabs
Also bear in mind that during that time she played TWD 1 and 2. Some people will call it a (you) problem, but let's agree to disagree story based games are hard to follow/catch if you want to experience the story choices without spoilers yourself or need to catch up on vods and need to skip the stream because of that.
That's why I didn't include it. But either way it's obvious her content over the last 3 months became formulaic and heavily reliant on collabs too. It wasn't that visible at first, I legit believe January was a good month with fun collabs and decent variety of games, she also started finishing them from then on which is a HUGE improvement. Still, people have full right to be disappointed. Last 2 months are an obvious downward trend despite better numbers - she has less creative content too, her only attempt at cooking/creative stream this month was the failure of the pizza stream. Sorry for autism btw, I legit wanted to check if it's ME problem or her approach really changed. I could also compare the variety of her solo streams dropping over the months and her content being less creative but you can check yourself based on titles. I know some of it is because she wants to finish games but that doesn't excuse everything. December is also an example of nice month where she had 20 streams with 6 collabs but still managed to start game she finished later, check out sekiro and do tons of creative content (RNL/shorts/ASMR as well as jp/fr streams). Get your shit together Rosemi.