>>39654965There's the actual timeline using Twitter.
https://twitter.com/search?q=from%3Agoodsmile_us%20vshojo&src=typed_query&f=liveOr in other words, the order of events
Dec 11th 2021, Nyan announced
May 27th, Nyan's Nendo shown, Mouse's Nendo announced
July 2nd (AX), Mouse prototype shown, Nyan PUP prototype shown, Vei announced
So Vei was announced the same day that prototypes for Mouse's nendo and Nyan's PUP were shown. I'd guess we'll get a prototype for Vei's figure soon, and it'll be up for preorder a couple months after. Also while I was looking this up I found a comments section talking about the figure and I'm guessing at least one person who doesn't even know who Vei is wants her figure because the design is pretty lol