>>86936177These cam streams are for her to combat her own self esteem issues regarding her body. Hearing from so many husbands that they find her attractive IRL helps her cope with her own distaste for her body.
You're right in thinking older Shondo would never do this but older Shondo also spiraled herself into a mental breakdown that took months to recover from and nearly sent her back into the psychiatric ward. Ever since then she's been trying to escape her comfort zone in an attempt to try and face her own insecurities. She credits the LA trip with Oli really being the turning point where she finally felt like approaching her lifestyle in a different way for the sake of trying to improve her mental health.
Theres still a few hiccups there but nothing even close to how she used to be. Even the drama with twitter currently is nothing compared to what she used to post in the rrk days when she was at her most schizo. She's made a ton of progress since then but is still a work in progress.