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Guys I don’t think I like Koa that much, after her last “No lewds” talk despite her cunny model, made it clear to me how she doesn’t really want the vocal lolicon fanbase despite being pure bait to them. She wants to be seeing as some cute entertainer and have a fanbase that pampers her but don’t sexualizase her. And after she cultuvates this type of fanbase the uuoh crowd will be gone, and what happens next? What will be left is nothing more then Koanikis of pure mind, no longer any loli memes, no more crying, just normies… When this happens Koa’s master plan will be reaching its stage two, now that she has garnered a bunch of well meaning big brothers she will take advantage of them and use them for her own pleasure, they will be powerless to stop her. She will milk every loyal koaniki dry with her tight small cunny, her tiny firm butt, her small but bratty mouth and her soft delicate feet. Once she is done with them, she will shower them with kisses, and sweet words, and like the pathetic estúpidos that they are, they will keep pampering her. Every single one of them will be victims of her desire, but they will not speak out, no one knows what to do after this, all they can do is comfort each other and support Koa. Because she has groomed them into becoming her Koanikis…