>>77862481lying with shondo on a hillside in summer
having a picnic with shondo
taking shondo stargazing
sitting back to back with shondo and sending text messages back and forth
pressing down lightly on shondos eyes so she sees all the sparkly colours
pinching shondos cheeks
wearing matching clothes with shondo
finishing the boss fight for shondo
play wrestling with shondo
throwing paper aeroplanes at shondo
listening to shondos breathing as she lies next to you
waking up with a puddle of shondo drool on your chest
feeding shondo by spoon when she is ill
taking shondos temperature
putting the thermometer in your own mouth after shondo uses it
smelling shondos coconut infused musk while she sits in your lap
teasing shondo about her height
having shondo model for you while you paint
taking pictures of shondo while she sleeps
teaching shondo how to swim
making shondo lift weights
bench pressing shondo
changing shondos keyboard layout
taking shondos phone and running around the house away from her
ordering things for shondo without telling her